Are You Living by Default or by Design?
Life is an incredible journey, filled with choices, opportunities, and challenges. But are you truly living in alignment with your authentic self and aspirations, or are you merely going through the motions on autopilot?
Are you letting life happen to you, living by default, or are you actively designing your future with intention and purpose?
Maybe you've experienced moments where you felt like you're just following a preordained path, allowing circumstances and others' expectations to dictate your life.
Whether it's conforming to a career that others expect of you or settling for a life devoid of excitement and fulfilment, living by default might offer a sense of security but can leave you feeling disconnected from your true self.
In my role as a coach, I regularly have two types of conversations with clients and friends:
Feeling Lost: Many express feelings of boredom, unhappiness, and a lack of fulfilment. They yearn for more but struggle to identify their true desires, feeling paralyzed by the lack of clarity.
They continue to distract themselves from this lack of clarity by keeping themselves busy in their day-to-day lives. Forgetting the long-term desires and only focusing on the short-term.Intimidated by Dreams: Others passionately express their aspirations but feel held back by perceived constraints such as time, resources, or confidence.
They view these obstacles as insurmountable barriers rather than as just another puzzle in life to be solved.
In both cases, people often opt to live life by default, avoiding the responsibility of effecting change. However, I want to kindly call you out on this belief. Your comfort zone may make you believe you're stuck, but that's not the reality. Embracing change is the key to unlocking the life you truly desire.
In this blog post, I invite you to pause the cycle of routine and assess whether your current trajectory aligns with your true desires. Taking charge of your life now will lead you toward a path of fulfilment and growth. But remember, you are the master of your destiny, and if you wish for change, you must take action.
Let's explore a more empowering way of living - living by design.
Living by design involves taking control of your destiny, creating a life that aligns with your passions, values, and long-term goals. It's about understanding what truly matters to you and devising a roadmap to a purposeful and fulfilling life.
So, be prepared for some tough love followed by practical guidance to ignite the spark within you and take those vital first steps toward a life by design.
Step 1 - Identify Your Purpose and Passion
To begin, consider what genuinely ignites your soul from within. What are your interests, values, and activities that bring you joy? Identifying your passions is the first step in shaping a life that revolves around what matters most to YOU.
If you've read the first two blog posts, you likely have a deeper understanding of yourself already. Understanding your unique energy and values makes it much easier to recognize and nurture your passions. If you haven’t, I want you to use the links above to read through the first two blog posts before you go ahead.
Step 2 - Visualise the Life You Want
Currently, you can only see the life directly in front of you. However, humans possess a remarkable ability to imagine and experience events, situations, or outcomes through their imagination, as if they were real.
Harness the power of visualisation, as it can shape your perceptions, attitudes, and behaviours. By visualising the outcomes you desire, you rewire your brain to work tirelessly toward achieving those goals.
An exercise I encourage all my clients to do is to visualise a day in their lives one year from now. Imagine yourself in a sci-fi movie, inhabiting a future version of you who has spent the last 12 months aligning with her true self and creating the life she wants.
Describe in vivid detail everything you would do during that day:
- What time do you wake up?
- Where are you living? What does it look like?
- Who, if anyone, is with you?
- What can you see outside the window?
- How do you feel?
- What's your morning routine, if any?
- How do you spend your morning and the rest of the day?
- What meals do you eat?
- Who do you interact with?
- How much structure do you have in your life?
- What work are you doing?
- What do you look like?
- How do you feel about yourself?
- What do you prioritise, and what do you say yes or no to?
- Who are you and who are you not?
As you continue this visualisation, expand your awareness beyond that single day. Consider what you are proud of having achieved and what excites you about the future.
Remember, you are the creator of this vision. Your wishes are the priority, and you don't need external validation or approval. Embrace your inner wisdom and authority (if you understand this concept in HD). The answers you seek are already within you; if they aren't immediately apparent, don't be afraid to delve deeper and take your time. When you remove pressure and judgement, your true desires surface.
Once your vision becomes clear, create a vision board. Avoid the mistake of looking outwards first, relying on external sources like Pinterest or social media for inspiration. Instead, look inwards first, trusting your own views, opinions, thoughts, and dreams. Let your vision be guided by your true desires.
Embrace the ever-evolving nature of your vision. As you journey through life, your priorities may shift, and new aspects of yourself may emerge. Embrace these changes and let them shape your path.
Living life by design is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. It requires setting clear intentions that align with your deepest desires. But before you can set these intentions, you must first understand what truly matters to you.
By identifying your passions and visualising the life you want, you're laying the foundation for a purposeful existence. Your dreams may evolve and transform over time, but that's the beauty of the journey.
I encourage you to embrace this process step by step, exploring your unique energy through Human Design if you haven't already. Seek clarity and take the necessary actions to create a life that resonates with your heart and soul.
Remember, you have the power to break free from living by default and design a future that reignites your passion and purpose. Take that first step today, and the rest of your journey will unfold with ease and grace. You owe it to yourself to create a life that reflects your true essence.
What’s the next step?
1. Want to delve further into Human Design and learn about individual energy types and other aspects of HD charts? Subscribe to my Youtube Channel.
2. Ready to rediscover yourself and pave your unique path to success?
Join the The Self-Mastery Minimind.
3. Looking for personalised guidance and a deep dive into your Human Design?
Enrol in one of my 1:1 coaching programs.