The Human Design Codex

Your personal user manual for life


A simple to understand and super actionable guide to your Human Design

A 55+ Pages personalised handbook unique to you

Immediate delivery of your downloadable document

Beginner friendly, broken down and easy to understand

All for the incredible Launch price of just £47!

You’ve heard the hype and you’re dying to unlock the secrets of human design for yourself. 

You’ve downloaded the free charts, googled the hell out of the jargon, and something deep within you tells you THIS might be your turning point…if only you could figure out what on earth it all means and how to actually put it into practice!

Every day it seems like someone you follow has ‘magically’ stopped struggling and is experiencing the ease and flow you currently only dream of.

You’re confused, overwhelmed, and despite holding all of the answers in the palm of your hand, you’re still looking outside of yourself for understanding. 

The niggle that your unique design is the missing piece has become deafening, but there’s just so much conflicting information out there you’re feeling lost, frustrated, and disappointed, as though you’re peering through the window to success, but can not find the key.

This is exactly why I created the Human Design Codex.

So you can finally have everything you need to reconnect to your authenticity and live your best life, in one comprehensive yet easy-to-understand guide.

This ultimate beginner's resource not only explains your exact human design blueprint, but also offers you practical actions so you can be proactive in moving toward your goals and desires.

You’ll discover exactly what makes you unique, what talents, strengths, and skills are hardwired within you for abundance, and how to leverage these qualities so you can lead a happy, successful, and fulfilling life.

Your exact birth data will create your unique chart, generating a one-of-a-kind document that is your key to everything you’ve ever dared to dream.

Proudly jargon-free, it will carefully explain every aspect of your design and exactly how it applies to you in a way that will leave you fired up and excited to take action (or not, looking at you, projectors and reflectors! 😉)

No waiting or having to pay extra for faster delivery!! Unlike the majority or Human Design Reports on the Market the Codex will be yours in a matter of minutes!

Whatever your design, you will have the exact tools required to achieve your most coveted goals in a way that feels easeful and in alignment.

Within the pages of your document you can expect to discover:

  • Known in Human Design as Energy Type

  • Known in Human Design as Strategy

  • Known in Human Design as Authority

  • Known in Human Design as Signature & Not-Self Theme

  • Known in Human Design as Profile

  • Known in Human Design as the Crown Center

  • Known in Human Design as the Ajna Center

  • Known in Human Design as the Throat Center

  • Known in Human Design as the G-Center

  • Known in Human Design as the Sacral Center

  • Known in Human Design as the Heart Center

  • Known in Human Design as the Solar Plexus/Emotional Center

  • Known in Human Design as the Root Center

  • Known in Human Design as the Splenic Center

  • Known in Human Design as your Gates

  • Known in Human Design as your Channels

  • Known in Human Design as Environment.

  • There are sections that show you your super sense, the best way for you to digest (food and information), sections to help you decondition and self-coach and other empowering insights into what makes you YOU!!

This is your user manual for life itself

Showing you how to work with your strengths, overcome your challenges, and easily navigate through moments of resistance. This information is the key to unlocking the magic that lives within you that will have you finally operating at your highest level!

When you purchase your Human Design Codex you’ll receive a 55+ page personalised handbook completely unique to you. 

You’ll provide your birth date, time, and location which will be put through the most advanced automation on the market, extracting the literal codes of your Soul.

This is something I have spent months writing and building and allows your report to be downloaded immediately whilst still being 100% personalised to you.

There are literally seconds currently standing between you and your very own instruction manual for creating the life of your dreams!

Usually, the Human Design Codex will retail at £94


I’m in launch party mode, which means you have a limited, exclusive opportunity to get yours for only £47!!

You’ll also receive 10% off a 1-1 reading with me if you book within 30 days of receiving your codex, so you can choose to have my personal guidance as you begin to put this life-changing information into action. 

Once you have your Codex, you can look forward to…

More peace, flow, and alignment in your life.

Cultivating a pure sense of trust in yourself and your own judgement.

NO more people-pleasing or obligatory to-do lists of things you feel you “should” do.

Knowing exactly how to work to your potential and enjoy more success by the day. 

Understanding the most liberating way to manage your time and energy, and how to set strong boundaries. 

Know how to communicate with others in a way that enhances your relationships in every area of your life.

Ready to stop struggling and start to experience ease and abundance? 

Aligned opportunities await you…

Only £47 for a limited time!!