“ There is NO WAY I'd be where I am in my career without her. ”
I chose Veronica to be my Coach because we had an instant connection after being let down by previous coaches, and having MANY calls with other coaches. I felt like she had an understanding of exactly what I was looking for, and made me excited to work on it with her
Before working with Veronica I was frustrated because I knew I wanted to make big steps in my career, but I'd lost a lot of my passion. I didn't know what I wanted to do, didn't know where to begin. Also spent a lot of time comparing myself to others and being self employed I was looking for someone to bounce off of, get a second opinion etc.
During my time working with V, I created a course using all the notes I had made from starting my new career, in order to help others do the same. Something I never thought I would do. So far it's been purchased over 150 times, I am incredibly proud of myself for it, and it simply would not have been possible without Veronica. I also don't compare myself to others anymore, in the way I used to which was unhealthy. Working with Veronica has given me a lot more self-worth and confidence in all I want to achieve.
I found the whole experience exciting. Every time I finished a session I wanted to either carry on talking, get a plan in action or immediately have a nap because my brain was so excited to get started hahahaha
Being able to WhatsApp at any point was a real help. I'm very impulsive, so if I suddenly had a wobble about an idea, or a creative block being able to text Veronica and get a pretty quick response definitely put me at ease.
Veronica has a way of unravelling things in my brain, in a way that I don't think about myself. I get very overwhelmed, and at that stage struggle with producing anything because my brain can't focus on one thing. Veronica helps me make sense of that. This was especially helpful with my self worth. Here’s a good example of a conversation we had - Me: ‘I don't think I should be charging that much for the course, because it's only an hour long’, Veronica: ‘ It's about your knowledge and experience, not how long the course is that your customers are paying for. You can get a massive fry up at a greasy spoon and spend very little, but it's probably not very good quality. You might go to a Michelin star restaurant and spend more and your meal is a smaller size, but the quality of that meal is so much better. That's what you pay for’ . Me: mind-blown.
If I could, I would tell my past self who was considering making the investment - Do it right now. It'll change your career for the better and then it's only up from there! I immediately rebooked so that says it all! I am so incredibly grateful to Veronica, there is NO WAY I'd be where I am in my career without her.